Rock the Present Tense

Rock the Present Tense

Price$ 30 $ 10

Product information

Struggling to keep the present tense straight in Spanish? 

Many Spanish beginners find themselves bogged down by irregular conjugation, reflexive verbs, and the nuances that come with everyday communication.

We know how it feels! You're trying to share a story or catch up with friends, and the words don't just flow. It's like trying to play a tune, but you can get the rhythm right - the music of language isn't coming together.

Say goodbye to all that cofusion with our Rock the Present Tense - the ultimate solution for hitting the right notes in your Spanish conversations

🎸 This pack of Spanish study guides includes: 

  • Regular verbs 
  • Irregular verbs
  • Reflexive verbs
  • Listening exercises with -ar, -er, and -ir 
  • 8 quizzes to put your Spanish skills to test

Rock the Present Tense has the tools you need to ensure your Spanish strikes the perfect chord every time you communicate with your amigos.  

A good resource to study along with our podcast Speaking Spanish for Beginners.

Grab your copy now and get ready to rock!

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